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How to get started karting

The Jersey Kart and Motor Club runs several Motorsport UK regulated race classes. These are age and weight dependent. The minimum age to start Karting is 6, there is no maximum age!


A full list of the classes run by the Club can be found HERE.

Here are 5 easy steps to start Karting in Jersey:

1 Please Contact Us if you are interested in getting started
  • If you are interested in starting Karting send us your contact details using the contact page and we will get in touch with you to discuss the options.

  • If you have a son or daughter who is interested in Karting please ask about the Clubs 'KIKs' scheme.

2 Obtain your ARKS pack and get your licence:
  • Before you can begin a racing career you must obtain a 'Race Licence'.

  • Our Club is affiliated to Motorsport UK so we abide by its rules and regulations.

  • To start the process, you must purchase a "Motorsport UK Karting Starter Pack (ARKS)" from the  Motorsport UK website. The ARKS pack contains the current Motorsport UK Rules & Regulations, a Licence Application Form (this will be signed-off by the ARKS Examiner when you pass), a PG License Application Form (for parents of all Junior Drivers) and a training DVD which explains the rules of Karting and the standards expected by drivers and officials.

3 Driver Training:
  • Every driver must complete 'ARKS' test before they are able to compete in any racing.

  • ARKS training consists of two parts, the practical driving side and the theoretical examination side consisting of a series multiple choice questions.

  • For the practical driving side, the club is able to offer its KIKS scheme for Junior Driver where equipment can be provided for a limited period but is currently only able to accommodate 'Senior Drivers' who possess their own or have access to karting equipment - the Club is hoping to have a solution for Senior Drivers wishing to do their ARKS in the near future.

  • ARKS driving tests can be completed on a limited number of race weekends with the training sessions generally being held on pre-arranged dates - Driving Tests must be arranged in advance by the ARKS examiner with the Club with the theoretical test being arranged between the driver and the examiner.

  • Bambino drivers follow a different training regime and after a few initial few training sessions will be able to take part in Bambino Time Trial sessions run on race days by the Club.

4 Equipment:
  • For those drivers needing to purchasing any equipment, please ask for advice, most karting equipment is regulated so caution must be used if purchasing second hand equipment (purchasing the wrong equipment could be very costly).

  • Kart choice will vary depending on which class you wish to race in and your budget.

  • You will need a Motorsport UK Certified Kart Racing Helmet, Junior drivers must use the lightweight variant of helmets.

  • Full Body (1 Piece) Motorsport UK Certified Kart Suit, Boots and Gloves are also mandatory.

  • Spare Tyres and parts for your kart are a must in case you need to make repairs on a race day.

  • A selection of suitable tools, a recommended list of the most common tools can be found HERE

5 To Race:
  • On completing your ARKS driving and theoretical examinations you will be classed as a 'Novice driver' and as such will have to send off for your provisional race licence,

  • You will also need to become a member of a recognised 'Motorsport UK certified' racing club. If you wish to race in Jersey we would suggest you join our club.

  • The Club offers a variety of membership subscriptions to suit peoples differing needs. Check out the Membership types using the button on the Home Page and apply for it using our online portal.

  • Once you are a member you will be able to apply to enter races using the online portal.

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