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The Jersey Kart and Motor Club run the following Motorsport UK regulated classes on race days



Age: 6-8

The Bambino class uses a small, specially designed kart for 6 to 8 year olds with a petrol Comer C50 engine or the new MightE electric powertrain (new for 2024). The tyres are all weather Le Cont, meaning that separate slick and wet rain tyres are not required. Top speed approx 30mph. The new electric karts are more expensive to buy, but maintenance and running costs are likely to be lower than petrol.

This class is for 6-8 year olds, who must undertake special training and competency programme before sending for their Motorsport UK Kart Clubman Bambino licence for time trials.


Comer Bambino

Weight: Minimum 69kg, including the driver


MightE Bambino

Weight: Minimum 83kg, including the driver. Minimum driver weight (incl safety equipment) 21.5kg.


Cadet & Intermediate

Ideal start for 8-13 year olds in Cadet (8-11 for Rotax Micro) on Intermediate (10-13). There are several engine options for Cadet and Intermediate.  

Cadet may use a 900mm or 950mm chassis, but only the 950mm chassis may be used in Intermediate.


900mm chassis (phasing out)

Age: 8-12

In Jersey we've historically run the 900mm chassis for the IAME Gazelle Cadet and Honda GX160 Cadet classes. We will continue to run these classes as long as the chassis are within their homologation date, but long term these will phase out eventually, possibly 2026, we don't know for sure yet.


Weight: Minimum 103kg, including the driver. Minimum driver weight (incl safety equipment) 27kg.


950mm chassis (new)

The 950mm chassis and the introduction of Intermediate Class is quite new (2023) and they came with new engine options. We intend to run the following new Classes:


Rotax Micro Cadet

Age: 8-11

Weight: Minimum 105kg, including the driver. Minimum driver weight (incl safety equipment) 28kg.


Rotax MiniMax Inter

Age: 10-13

Weight: Minimum 115kg, including the driver. Minimum driver weight (incl safety equipment) 33kg.


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Age: 12-16*

The Junior class utilises a full size chassis and there is a choice of power units.


The most popular is the Rotax Junior Max, as it's easy to setup and maintain. The other option is the IAME X30 Junior engine. Rotax engines are sealed IAME X30 are not.


Junior classes are a step up from the Cadet and Intermediate class in both and size and power. Top speed around the 65-70mph round our circuit.


Rotax Junior Max

Age: 12-16

Weight: Minimum 145kg, including the driver. Minimum driver weight (incl safety equipment) 40kg.


IAME X30 Junior

Age: 12-16

Weight: Minimum 148kg, including the driver. Minimum driver weight (incl safety equipment) 41kg.


** Calendar year of 13th birthday, or from 12th birthday with Kart National Licence




Age: 15+**

The Senior class utilises a full size chassis and there is a choice of power units.


The most popular is the Rotax FR125 Max, as it's easy to setup and maintain. The other option is the IAME X30 Senior engine. Rotax engines are sealed IAME X30 are not.


The Senior engine options are more powerful than their Junior counterparts and typically use a softer tyres delivering exceptional grip once warmed up. Top speed around 70-80mph.


Rotax Senior Max

Age: 15+

Aside from the standard class there is a separate one for heavier drivers also called '177'.

Standard Weight: Minimum 162kg, including the driver. Minimum driver weight (incl safety equipment) 52kg.

177 Weight: Minimum 177kg, including the driver. Minimum driver weight (incl safety equipment) 80kg.


IAME X30 Senior

Age: 15+

Weight: Minimum 162kg, including the driver. 


** Calendar year of 16th birthday, or from 15th birthday with Kart National Licence





Senior Gearbox KZ2

Age: 16+**

The Senior Gearbox classes utilises a full size chassis specially homologated for the KZ2 class and there is a choice of power units.


The most popular choice is the series of engines from TMRacing, who are famed for producing quality high-performance engines for karts and bikes.​


With horsepower of around 50bhp and a 6 speed gearbox, these are serious racing machines requiring neat, skilful driving. 


Gearbox karts are the quickest and most powerful. Top speed around the 70-80mph round our circuit, however on larger circuits a top speed of 100mph is achievable.



Age: 16+

Weight: Minimum 180kg, including the driver. 


** Calendar year of 16th birthday, or from 15th birthday with Kart National Licence




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